Monday, July 26, 2010

0ur sec0nd anniversary.

This is 0ur 1st anniversary.
A date which i w0n't f0rget f0rever.
That time we were in f0rm 3,
I'm 16, his 17.
Think back~~~~
.te0h ssu jian.
he was a guy that I aim when the first time I enter secondary sch00l.
he l00k cute with a big smile. =)
but that time n0t yet fall in l0ve with him.
i w0nder it's fate 0r what?
i g0t the same class with him.
0ur 102.
[[ YEAPPY!! ]]
but until f0rm 2 0nly we kn0w each 0ther and have msg.
that time he already n0t same class with me. =(
when the time i fall in l0ve with him,
he already have girlfriend.
phew~ = ="
keep my l0ve and bless them. =)
in the middle,
when he have pr0blem with *her*,
he will share with me.
until end 0f the year they br0ke up edy.
after that time we quite close t0 each 0ther.
maybe it's 日久深情,
he ask me t0 bec0me his g-friend.
i din think s0 much and accept him.
at first we have a happy m0ment,
celebrate new year, hang 0ut, valentine and s0 0n.
want t0 h0ld hand als0 shy shy.
* '_' *
h0w ab0ut kiss?
tak payah lah. XD
day by day,
we bec0me s0 c0ld f0r each 0ther.
n0t because 0f already d0n't l0ve each 0ther,
but feel like s0mething is in between b0th 0f us.
din talk din smile din msg din see t0 each 0ther.
i w0nder what's g0ing 0n.
that time i really h0pe s0me0ne tell me whats g0ing 0n,
at least if i kn0w w0nt be as hurt as this.
until 18-4-2006.
we g0t a letter.
counseling teacher ask b0th 0f us g0 t0 her 0ffice see her.
while we wait f0r teacher we din talk s0 much.
because n0thing t0 say.
When teacher enter,
she ask a l0t 0f questi0ns.
f0r example 0ur parent w0rk and s0 on.
teacher ask us,
" 如果有天分手了你们会怎样? "
I din ans.
because i d0n't kn0w h0w t0 ans.= ="
" 暂时分开不代表永远分开. "
this is what his ans.
the night 0f the same day,
he msg me and said he want t0 break up with me.

i d0n't kn0w the reas0n, but i accept.
in my mind,
maybe he still l0ve his ex,
because i heard pe0ple said his ex want t0 c0uple back with him.
after 2 m0nth he has c0uple back with his ex.
wah~~ beh tahan. T.T
but d0n't kn0w h0w l0ng they have been t0gether lar.

F0rm 4,
we enter in the same class again.
we f0rce t0 talk t0 each 0ther,
because we have t0 face each 0ther f0r 2 years.
haha. g00d.
at last we bec0me a very cl0se friend. =D

F0rm 5,
i heard pe0ple said he already br0ke up with his ex since last year.
erm~ quite happy t0 hear this. XD
that time he already start t0 play magic + fl0rish.
when teacher din enter class, he will c0me t0 my place and sit beside me and chit-chat with me 0r play magic t0 let me see.
( it was a happy m0ment. )
that time we start t0 暧昧 t0 each 0ther.
l0ts 0f pe0ple th0ught we have c0uple back but actually we are n0t.
i wait him 0pen his g0ld m0uth. ^^
I wait him until this day,
27 July 2008
at last he 0pen his g0ld m0uth.
kakakakakaka. * '_' *
i waiting this day c0ming since 2 years ago.
0ur l0ve st0ry start fr0m this day.
the happy m0ment all c0me back t0 me.

Actually I'm n0t as l0yal as what y0u all see.
while waiting his g0ld m0uth open,
i've been c0uple with an0ther guy.
hubby call him as *B0TAK*
= ="..
i c0uple with that guy f0r ar0und 3 m0nth plus,
then als0 end up relati0n because lack 0f c0mmunicated.
( right way 0f c0mmunicati0n is imp0rtant f0r every c0uple. )
and actually i'm n0t l0ve him as deep as i l0ve jianz n0w.
maybe just feel l0nely and need s0meb0dy~

already 2 years.
in this 2 years,
80% is l0ng distance relati0nship.
we have said break up t0 each 0ther bef0re f0r a few time,
but at last still can't let it g0.
alth0ugh we cant celebrate it, never mind.
but y0u must remember and give me a wish yea. =)

i l0ve
y0u very much.
i d0n't want put a full-st0p in 0ur l0ve st0ry.
this is y0ur pr0mise since we were in f0rm 3.
that time y0u didn't realize it.
f0rm 5,
i gave y0u a chance t0 make it truth.
i h0pe and i wish y0u will realize y0ur pr0mise yea.
l0ng distance relati0nship w0n't be a pr0blem f0r 0ur l0ve.

i l0ve y0u.
happy 2 years anniversary.


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